EP216: Learning to Let Go, Keep Going and Live Lightly with Shauna Niequist
Join me today for a conversation with author, Shauna Niequist. Her new book, I Just Haven't Learned That Yet, is full of stories of how we cope with unexpected change, letting go of previous seasons, and embracing the present. I’ve been a fan of Shauna for many years and this interview is yet another example of her incredible way with words! We talk about letting go of old ways that no longer serve us, learning to let go, being easily delighted and more!
About Shauna
Shauna Niequist is the New York Times bestselling author of Cold Tangerines, Bittersweet, Bread & Wine, Savor, Present Over Perfect and I Guess I Haven’t Learned That Yet. She is married to Aaron, and they live in New York City with their sons, Henry and Mac. Shauna is a bookworm, a storyteller, and a passionate gatherer of people, especially around the table.
Links Discussed in This Episode
Resource: Etsy
Can’t Stop Talking About: Siblings Candles
Connect with Shauna:
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