EP236: Hacks for Family Travel with Chris Hutchins
Can you spend less, save more, and still lead a life of travel and adventure? Chris Hutchins, acclaimed financial optimizer and host of the chart-topping podcast All the Hacks, says that you can — and he has the evidence to back it up. Today, Chris will share actionable advice for how families can live better (while spending less), vacation secrets (such as how can we can we make family vacation attainable even on a strict budget) and more...
About Chris
Chris Hutchins is an avid life hacker, financial optimizer and host of the top ranked podcast All the Hacks, where he shares his quest to upgrade his life without having to spend a fortune. These passions have led him to being featured in a documentary on Financial Independence called Playing with Fire and collecting over 10 million points and miles.
Chris is also the Head of New Product Strategy at Wealthfront, where he’s focused on making products to help people build wealth through investing. He joined the company after his startup Grove was acquired in 2016.
He has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and CNBC. Previously, he was an investor at Google Ventures, co-founded Milk (acquired by Google) and built an organization called LaidOffCamp.
Links Discussed in This Episode
Order a Copy of Minimalist Moms: Living and Parenting with Simplicity
Diane’s Resource: How to Break-Up With Your Phone by Catherine Price
Beneficial Resource: Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending
Can’t Stop Talking About: DASH Rapid Egg Cooker
Connect with Chris:
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Episode Sponsored by:
Organifi | You can experience Organifi's high quality superfoods without breaking the bank. Go to www.organifi.com/minimalist and use code minimalist for 20% off your order.
Ready Set Food | Head over to readysetfood.com/minimalist & use code MINIMALIST for 30% off your first order of Ready, Set, Food! and get your child on started on the path to food freedom today.