EP267: Declutter Your Bedroom (and Reclaim Tranquility) for Better Sleep with Terry Cralle
Setting your intentions to get regular quality sleep takes some work. From changing lifestyle habits to being mindful of your sleep hygiene, there are a lot of factors to consider in the quest to get better rest – including creating a tranquil space to slip into deep, restorative sleep. However, the bedroom tends to be a catchall for the day, including discarded clothes, bags, shoes, accessories, a workspace and more. Can all this clutter disrupt your sleep? Probably not – but it can disrupt your peace of mind. This is where Terry Craelle, RN, sleep expert and representative of the Better Sleep Council comes in! Today Terry answers the questions: Does a messy/disorganized bedroom actually affect one’s sleep? What are some other tips for “tidying” your sleep rituals? What's sleep hygiene? If someone is overwhelmed with all the advice, what’s *one thing* they can start doing tonight to tidy their sleep habits? Terry’s goal is to share clever hacks for decluttering your bedroom and reclaiming your zone of relaxation to sleep soundly!
About Terry
Terry Cralle is a registered nurse, Certified Clinical Sleep Educator, and Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality who specializes in sleep health and wellness. A national speaker, educator, and author on sleep, Terry is the co-founder of a four-bed sleep disorders clinic and has served as a consultant to a variety of industries and organizations on the topic of sleep health. Her work in the field of sleep medicine has included clinical research in insomnia as well as advocating for educational initiatives such as drowsy-driving prevention. As a frequent speaker and guest lecturer on the topic of sleep for schools, universities, sleep clinics, U.S. corporations, and employee wellness companies, Terry educates a wide variety of audiences on the critical importance of sleep to physical and psychological health, growth and development, safety, optimum functioning, productivity, peak performance, and quality of life.
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