EP250: Simplifying Travel with Angela Lyons
Angela Lyons is a minimalist mom and avid traveler who loves to chat about finding balance, slowing down, and living an intentional life. She is passionate about minimalism as a means to achieve her family's goals - which includes a bigger focus on travel, and less of a focus on all the "stuff". Today she’ll be sharing her story and best tips for simplifying your travel experience.
About Angela
Angela Lyons is a minimalist mom and avid traveler who loves to chat about finding balance, slowing down, and living an intentional life. Her family has undergone a few significant changes over the last few years at the hands of minimalism which has allowed them to embrace what is most important to them. As a part of this, Angela extensilve decluttered her items, sold her house, elected to go part-time at her company to spend more time with the girls, and packed up the family for a 3-month trip to Peru. She is passionate about minimalism as a means to achieve her family's goals - which includes a bigger focus on travel, and less of a focus on all the "stuff". She can be found on Instagram and Facebook at @minimalish.motherhood.
Links Discussed in This Episode
Order a Copy of Minimalist Moms: Living and Parenting with Simplicity
Previous Episode: EP236: Hacks for Family Travel with Chris Hutchins
Beneficial Resource: Traveling with Kids Worldwide Group, Families Who Love to Travel Group, Travel with Kids Group
Connect with Angela:
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