Bonus Episode: How Understanding Our Monthly Cycle Can Influence a More Intentional Life with Megan Rempel
By tracking our unique cycle, we can sync our activities for maximum effectiveness in every area of our life, including decluttering and living a more minimalist lifestyle. Decluttering can be emotional and physically demanding, and cycle syncing can ensure you are doing the right tasks at the right time to make the process easier and more enjoyable. Join me today for an in-depth discussion about this topic with registered nurse, Megan Rempel. Megan discusses how, as women, we have been gifted something pretty incredible with our monthly cycle. Our physiology, energy, focus, and emotional state are all impacted as we go through the 4 phases of our cycle every single month.
About Megan
Megan Rempel is the host of the Fit To Be A Mama podcast, a Registered Nurse with a certificate in Women’s Hormonal Health, a health coach, and a cycle syncing expert. Her mission is to help other women discover that life can actually be easier, IF they tap into the magic that we’ve had inside us all along - our monthly cycle. Her own journey from overwhelmed and exhausted mom of 4 to gaining back control of her life through simple and effective things like cycle syncing is what fuels her passion to help women get out of survival mode and find ease and joy in their lives.
Links Discussed in This Episode
Order a Copy of Minimalist Moms: Living and Parenting with Simplicity
Connect with Megan:
Instagram: @meganrempel4
Podcast: Fit to be a Mama podcast
Freebie (if you share them): {Freebie} Get started cycle syncing now!
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