Bonus Episode: Easy Pantry Swaps for a More Intentional Lifestyle with Leeann Rybakov
Busy moms often have trouble with their digestive health. What could be a possible culprit? One possibility is the pantry. We find ourselves running into issues: feeling bloated, uncomfortable in our favorite clothes, and left not knowing how to navigate this health space in a way that works for our bodies. On today’s bonus episode, Leeann Rybakov joins me to discuss ways that the pantry is contributing to digestive health issues and how to swap out for healthier options! Even just "minimizing" the ingredients (knowing what should stay and what should go) list can be a game changer!
About Leeann
Leeann Rybakov is a board certified functional medicine health coach, and a mom of two. She works with overwhelmed busy moms to help them heal their digestive health issues, regain their energy, and feel more confident when it comes to health and wellness. Through her personalized approach, she coaches moms one on one covering all aspects of their life from nutrition, movement, sleep and stress. She is an expert when it comes to having a healthy pantry. Sometimes that belly bloat is inflammation from eating the wrong foods. After 6 weeks, her clients are empowered to show up for themselves, feel great in their bodies while still taking care of their kids. Often the information they acquire spills over into their family's life as well, creating an overall healthier and happier household.
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