Five Things I No Longer Care About (As a Minimalist)

Five Things I No Longer Care About (As a Minimalist)

Five Things I No Longer Care About (As a Minimalist)

...even small shifts towards minimalism are liberating.

It has been liberating to stop caring about the following things:

(Not to say it’s perfect but these are things that I actively don’t care about/do anymore because of pursuing a more intentional lifestyle).

1.) Responding right away to calls/emails/texts.

We need to stop expecting immediacy from one another. Hannah Brencher and I spoke about this in the latest episode of the podcast. Not that long ago, a person had to catch your call from a landline or else you’d have to wait and try again. Tip: I’ve set up an email notification that alerts people I’ll only be checking my emails a certain amount of times this week. Takes the pressure off!

2.) Mass-produced artwork.

I love for my home decor/artwork to tell a story. Gone are the days of purchasing mass-produced art from Target. I’d prefer bare walls to ones I feel required to fill with art I just ‘kind of’ love.

3.) Getting rid of something nice that I’ve frivolously spent money on.

This used to gut me but then I realized - the money has already spent. It’s not coming back and yet, I’m hanging onto something that has only become a constant reminder of a frivolous purchase. I prefer to ask friends’ if anyone could use said item; however, if not, it’s donated without attachment!

4.) Celebrity gossip.

I used to DEVOUR celeb gossip (and while some stories still remain noteworthy), I no longer fill my feed with random Bachelor contestants + latest celebrities that take up unnecessary space in my brain. I’d rather use social media to catch up with people that I’m in a relationship with or benefit my lifestyle goals. 

5.) Consistent story posting on social media.

I used to feel tied to posting every moment on Instagram stories. Personally, this removed me from the moment. Nowadays, I’ll snap a photo (or sometimes I won’t) and if I really want to share, I’ll do it later in the day (or coming days!)

How has pursuing an intentional, minimalist life changed you?

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