EP194: Toy Rotation Made Simple with Melissa Corriveau (@lifewithlessmess)

If you’re a regular listener, you’ll have heard me talk about decision fatigue or overwhelm. Children can become overwhelmed when given too many choices, including having many toys available at one time. By rotating toys, you keep the selection new and fresh. There aren’t too many choices. And, every time you rotate the toys, it’s like your children have brand new toys to explore. Here today to discuss the topic with me is professional organizer, Melissa Corriveau.

About Melissa

Melissa Corriveau is a mom, a teacher, and a professional organizer. She's learned first hand how much simpler life can be when there's less stuff and when everything has a place. She's turned that knowledge into a business that help others live with less and organize what's left.

Links Discussed in This Episode

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EP195: Feeling Confident in Your Capsule Wardrobe with Kim Hancher


EP193: Taking Inventory of Our Possessions with Dawn Madsen (@theminimalmom)