EP186: Not Another Impulse Purchase with Allison Baggerly

If most of us were honest, I’m sure we’d all admit to impulse shopping from time to time. From a basic perspective, we may assume it’s only a financial problem; however, it’s both a personal and psychological issue, too. The question is: how do we stop the impulse before it happens? Joining me today to answer this question (and more) is founder of the Inspired Budget, Allison Baggerly. She defines impulses spending and addresses the reasons we tend to impulse spend (and steps for how to stop), plus more that you don’t want to miss!

About Allison

Allison is a blogger, influencer, and founder of Inspired Budget. As a teacher and small business owner, Allison combined her passion for teaching and finances to help others learn how to start budgeting. She and her husband paid off over $111K of debt on 2 teacher salaries while growing their family. Since starting Inspired Budget in 2017, Allison has been able to retire as a teacher and take her desire to help others full time. Now she is helping women all over the world get started with budgeting when they feel lost and overwhelmed. She has built a community of over 118,000 Instagram followers that turn to her for budgeting advice and inspiration to save more than they ever imagined!

Links Discussed in This Episode

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EP187: Being Present IS Winning with Sarah Bragg


Bonus Episode: Safe Smart Phones for Kids with Bill Brady