The Power of Bite-Sized Steps in Simplifying Life with Deanna Yates (EP342)

Joining me on today's episode is host of the Wannabe Clutter Free podcast, Deanna Yates. Deanna believes decluttering can unlock an unexpected level of freedom and shares simple yet powerful steps to achieve tidy homes and minds with busy families. In this conversation, we delve into a bite-sized approach to decluttering, uncover its benefits for physical and mental wellness, AND Deanna reveals a unique tip I've NEVER before heard on the show!

About Deanna


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The Minimalist Moms Podcast would not be possible without the support of weekly sponsors. Choosing brands that I believe in is important to me. I only want to recommend brands that I believe may help you in your daily life. As always, never feel pressured into buying anything. Remember: if you don't need it, it's not a good deal!

  • Betterhelp | This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at MINIMALIST and get on your way to being your best self.


Using Our Lifestyle to Improve Wellbeing with Shanika Esparaz (EP341)