Bonus Episode: Intentional Conversations (and Practicing Curiosity) with Taylor Buonocore

Join me today as I speak with Taylor Buonocore about intentional conversations. We talk about creating greater levels of connection through conversational intentionality. Through authenticity, empathy, and creating a culture of communication, we can strengthen the bonds within friendships, family members (especially our children!) I typically ask my guests a series of questions but this conversation flowed quite easily. It took a different path than I expected but it was a refreshing difference. 

About Taylor

Taylor Buonocore-Guthrie is a mom of two, and an entrepreneur with deep expertise in facilitation and relationship building. She’s ever-inspired by opportunities to catalyze learning and connection - in her own family, and for children and adults everywhere. Taylor is the co-founder of Convers(ate), a company that sparks meaningful conversation from the dinner table to the board room. Prior to co-founding Convers(ate), Taylor led and advised a variety of people-focused initiatives for companies around the world. Great questions are at the heart of the work Convers(ate) does. Research shows that the quality of your relationships has a direct correlation to the quality of your questions! To stay in touch with Convers(ate), sign up for their quarterly newsletter or visit Instagram. Spoiler alert, next year Convers(ate) will release a new set designed for kids!

Links Discussed in This Episode

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EP192: Habit Stack Your Movement(s) with Katy Bowman


Bonus Episode: Simplifying Crafting with Littles with Annie & Sarah [of Laughs and Littles]