Bonus Episode: Minimalism as a Tool to Debt Freedom with Lauren Hooper

We’ve been talking a lot about frugality and budgeting tips recently; however, we’ve not touched upon how minimalism can actually be a tool to help us reach debt freedom. Joining me today is fellow minimalist, Lauren Hooper to talk about the impact that minimalism has had on her debt freedom. She answers how exactly we can utilize our minimalist habits to finally become debt free, why it’s important to consider the ‘true’ cost when shopping and more.

About Lauren

Lauren Hooper is wife and mother to boy/girl twins living in North Alabama. After years of decluttering and organizing, cultivating habits that support the environment, and paying off debt, she learned that adopting a minimalist lifestyle was the missing piece of the puzzle to the life of her dreams. Now living a completely debt-free life, Lauren shares her passion for minimalism, money, and everything in between on her Instagram.

Links Discussed in This Episode

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EP172: "Things I No Longer Buy" with Bridget Utschig


Episode 171: Digital Minimalism in Motherhood with Felica Allen