EP196: Becoming Intentional with Money Management with Erin Skye Kelly

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I usually don’t share guest quotes prior to the interview but my guest today, author, Erin Skye Kelly said something that really stuck with me, “Debt Is Clutter.” Debt is clutter and it leads to a lack of freedom. It was this lesson that I had to learn before I began to pursue the purging of material things. Intentionality with my finances came first and the clutter followed. This episode won’t suddenly eradicate your debt but I hope it provides you with tools and inspiration to see that debt freedom is attainable through discipline, but first and foremost, intentionality! 

About Erin

Erin Skye Kelly is an award-winning and best-selling author who has helped thousands of people pay off millions of dollars in consumer debt and ultimately change their lives. In spite of her terrible stage fright and general Canadian awkwardness, she has shared the stage with legendary motivational speakers such as Tony Robbins, Phil Town, and Gary John Bishop. She wrote Get the Hell Out of Debt after her own struggle to become free from consumer debt. She was tired of listening to middle-aged men in suits tell her to consolidate and refinance her debt when all that seemed to happen was she’d end up in more of it while they profited from it.

Links Discussed in This Episode

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Bonus Episode: How to Create a Bedtime Routine for Your Kids (and Actually Stick To It) with Becca Campbell


EP195: Feeling Confident in Your Capsule Wardrobe with Kim Hancher