EP193: Taking Inventory of Our Possessions with Dawn Madsen (@theminimalmom)

What if you took inventory of everything in your house? Would it make you rethink the things you’re holding onto? If we took inventory and categorized the stuff in our house, we’d have a much better idea what needs to exit our house. Joining me today to discuss the idea of our possessions as inventory is Dawn Madsen (otherwise known as the Minimal Mom!) 

About Dawn

Also known as The Minimal Mom, Dawn Madsen and her family have lived as minimalists for 7 years now. Passionate about the message of minimalism, most often you can find her on YouTube sharing practical tips and ideas to simplify and declutter. Dawn shares her ideas with over a million people each month, was recently featured on The Today Show and is the co-creator of the Take Your House Back course.

Links Discussed in This Episode

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Episode Sponsored by:

Betterhelp | This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and Minimalist Moms listeners get 10% off their first month at Betterhelp.com/minimalist

Prose | Visit Prose.Com/Minimalist for your FREE in-depth hair consultation and 15% off.


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