EP187: Being Present IS Winning with Sarah Bragg

In this day and age, it can be difficult to truly feel present in motherhood. We have so many roles we’re juggling, schedules to manage, self-care to maintain (not to mention remembering little details - such as what to add to the grocery store list or that school pickup is early on Friday.) The question is: how do we manage presence when it feels like we’re pulled in various ways? Joining me today to talk through this topic is author, Sarah Bragg. Sarah wrote about this topic (and more) in her recent book, A Mother’s Guide to Raising Herself. Today we’ll be discussing how to cultivate presence:  how can we challenge ourselves to be more present in the moment without needing to document everything on Instagram/social media? How we can be more present as mothers, wives and friends? And how we can teach our children to cultivate presence in their own lives?

About Sarah

Sarah Bragg has worked in full-time ministry for over 10 years, with Orange for over 10 years and currently hosts a podcast called Surviving Sarah where she gets to be a cheerleader for how people are contributing to the world and be a megaphone for their story. Her book titled titled Body. Beauty. Boys. The Truth About Girls and How We See Ourselves helps young women find their value in the One who matters. She has a Masters of Arts in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. Sarah and her husband, Scott, and their daughters, Sinclair and Rory, reside in Marietta, Georgia.

Links Discussed in This Episode

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