Mindful Spending: Transform Your Financial Life with Brad Nelson (EP340)

What does financial freedom mean to you? I'm thrilled to have Brad Nelson, founder of Debt Free Dad, join us for a deep dive into achieving financial freedom. Brad shares his expertise on overcoming impulsive spending habits and highlights the significance of setting clear financial goals tailored to your vision of financial freedom. He delves into the practice of mindful spending, advising listeners to pause before making purchases to ensure thoughtful decision-making. Tune in to discover how small, consistent changes can compound over time, leading to substantial improvements in your financial well-being.

About Brad

Brad has dedicated his life to serving and helping people with their personal finances. He provides an eye-opening outlook on debt and money that challenge today's popular thinking through speaking, The Debt Free Dad Podcast, social media, and his online membership site, Roots of Personal Finance, which has helped people save and pay off tens-of-millions of dollars.

Like many, Brad struggled with living paycheck-to-paycheck, debt, and the constant hamster wheel of never-ending payments for much of his adult life. After losing his home to foreclosure and his first marriage ending in 2012, Brad decided enough was enough and went on a journey to become debt-free. After 4-5 years of hard work, he paid off all his debt and has been debt-free for over ten years outside of his mortgage.

Many people struggle with money and debt. Brad teaches a simple process to help people develop a healthier financial mindset. Learn how to save money and eliminate debt, allowing them to take control of their finances so they can do more of what they love. Brad uses his personal story to relate to others. He provides practical steps and advice for a new financial plan that shows people how to win and live a stress-free and debt-free life.

Brad is a single and dedicated father to his two kids, Noah, and Avery.

Brad has encountered many obstacles on his journey. In 2018, his wife Sarah gave birth to their daughter Avery. Avery was born with a brain injury and was later diagnosed with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy and Cerebral Palsy. Being debt-free allowed him and his wife to put all of their efforts into getting the care that Avery needed. Thankfully, today, Avery is thriving and living a normal life, and Brad contributes her progress to the time they've spent on Avery's therapy and care since birth.

In March 2023, Brad tragically lost his wife, Sarah, to a battle with mental illness and suicide. Again, Brad and his financial life were tested, but because of the work they put in on their finances leading up to this tragic event, he has remained debt-free while allowing him and his kids to grieve and begin to build a new life.

Brad's a normal guy with everyday life challenges, and he is using his experiences and story to encourage and motivate others to improve their financial health for themselves and their family.

When Brad isn't helping people with their finances, he loves to continue his education through reading and conferences. His family is the most important. They spend a significant amount of time camping and being outdoors. Brad puts a lot of value in experiences and making memories.

Links Discussed in This Episode

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