Episode 248: Teaching Self-Regulation (and Managing Kids Stuff) with Mari Harris

Joining me today is Mari Collins. She and her husband created an app, called Ketshop that helps teach kids to prioritize things they really love - and learn to save towards those special purchases. Her hope is to change the way families shop - to focus on quality, educational items that kids buy for themselves, rather than a million knickknacks destined for landfill. Today, our conversation will focus on: intentional consumption, choice overload in children, teaching responsibility and accountability to younger kids and more...

About Mari

Mari Collins Harris is a mother of three, designer, and the cofounder of Ketshop, a unique shopping app for families. Ketshop allows parents to control which products enter their home, and helps kids learn basic financial skills through real-life purchases. Mari is a board member of several early childhood education non-profits focused on empowering youth. When she’s not working or parenting, Mari enjoys being outdoors, fitness, dance parties, and baking elaborate desserts.

Links Discussed in This Episode

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Bonus Episode: "I’m a Minimalist with 90 Board Games" with Brittany Dixon


EP247: Calm Confidence When Responding to Sibling Conflict with Emily Hamblin